However, if this story wasn’t bad enough, the mother’s boyfriend, Glenn Nelson, was also having sex with the baby (Amanda pulled his arrest record, so check out her blog!)
Amanda and I pulled into the Charlotte County Clerk of Court and we were really eager and interested to get the public records of these two criminals. Upon reaching the front desk, we were greeted by a nice lady named Donna. We had told her that we were there to obtain public records. She directed us to some computers that were lined up in the reception area. She asked how old the case was because if it was over a year old we would have to go to the file room. Since it wasn’t, I was able to looked up Melissa Bailey and found her case number (0910-001006).
We then took our case number back to Donna and she said it was going to be $1 per page. My total came out to $4. And in 30 minutes, Amanda and I were in the car reading our public records and we were amazed at was in the report.
In the report, it discussed some details of the sexual abuse. The report was written on October 7th, 2009 by Detective Keith DePersia. There was a search warrant executed for several child pornography images. The Detective found photographs that were taken with the baby and Nelson during the sexual crime. These photos were also uploaded to two computers and saved on flash drives. However, in the end the detectives seized six computers total.
“Melissa Bailey made statements that she and her boyfriend Glenn Nelson had been performing sex acts on her child since she was born until about one month ago. Melissa would put her mouth on the babies vagina and Glenn would put his penis into the baby’s vagina,” according to the report.
The report continues to talk about Glenn Nelson and an interview that he had given.
“During the interview Glenn Nelson advised that he had received the video, photograph and e-mails from Melissa Bailey which depicted Melissa Bailey giving oral sex to the baby and inserting the pacifier into her vagina and rubbing her vagina with her fingers. Glenn also admitted that he saw Melissa Bailey rub the baby’s vagina and stomach after he ejaculated on her,” according to the report.
My overall feeling about this is “OH MY GOD!” And “OH MY GOD!” After reading the arrest report there are more very explicit details but I just can not post them. There were twenty pornographic pictures and six computers that were seized. And the investigation is still on going. And also, I am hoping that the baby has been placed into a good home with family or in a good foster home. My overall opinion on these two sexual offenders can also NOT be posted!
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